Not Liking Fridays
Friday’s seem to be a hodgepodge day at bootcamp and I’ve yet to truly feel I have a great Friday workout. Sure I worked up a sweat and worked my muscles but I am thinking that since Friday comes after the deadly gauntlets on Thursday which I reawlly love and which thoroughly exhaust me, that Friday’s just don’t do it for me. It is like comparing apples to oranges, lol.
Food was good (never really seems to be a problem during the weekdays) and water, almost 6 cups. I came home and started cleaning some more and even canceled going out to the FWB (yes, again - I’m strong I tell you…strong) but he had a really bad day and wanted to see me. It is nice to be needed so I did eventually head out. I got in at 2am and got up at 9am to continue to clean. I finished right at noon and the realtor came shortly after. Yes, my condo is officially up for sale. I’m kind of freaked out but it is done. It goes up on MLS on Monday though without photos as the realtor forgot his camera. He is coming out Monday to take photos and they should go up that night or Tuesday morning.
Today I lazed…I should have opened up my CGA textbooks but didn’t. FWB called and requested my typing skills (he has 2 fingers on one hand and 3 on the other - remember…he suffered 80% burns to his body when he was a child from a fire) and so I spent a good hour with him on the phone and typing up his request. Tomorrow…CGA! There is no more cleaning left. I may call Value Village to ensure they are still taking ‘donations’ and drop off the crap in my car that came out of my cleaning extravaganza but the day is expected to be all about the CGA.
Oh yes and how can we forget, official weigh in 156.6lbs - a loss of .2lbs since the 6th. I wasted the whole month of October maintaining…silly me.
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